If you want to switch things back in future so that images are saved on your desktop again, simply input the Terminal command as above, but for step 6 and 7, use the command 'defaults write com.apple. If that folder is deleted, you're going to have problems. Now whenever I want to take a screenshot, I simply hit my dashboard short cut key and select which type of screenshot I would like (Full Screen, Full Window, Timed, or Custom Drag with Crosshairs) from the Screenshot Plus Widget and it automatically saves not only to where I want to save it to, but most importantly, with the custom name I. png format and saved under the unique name ( Screen shot date at time.png. The image will be automatically saved to Desktop. Move the camera pointer over the menu and press the mouse button. First, create your screenshots folder and name it whatever you want to. Again, a warning: Do not delete the folder you select for screenshots unless you've repeated the process below, using the same Terminal command. To take a screenshot of a specific menu: Press the combination cmd () + shift + 4 + Space bar on the keyboard. If your Mac is running something older than Mojave, you can use the Terminal to change where screenshots save.